Manage servers
In Mockio, servers are groups of endpoints. You can create and have access to as many servers as you want.
Manage endpoints
You can create any number of endpoints you want. Also, you can customize any aspect of it: HTTP verb, encoding,
response headers, response body, delay, and more.
Use placeholders in your response requests. This way, you can retrieve information send to your endpoints,
either in the body, headers or query parameters.
Collections are groups of information (names, zip codes, email addresses, etc.) that you can refer to in your
endpoints. For example: If you use the names collection in a response body, every time you call that endpoint
you'll get a different (random) name.
There are predefined collections, and you can also create your own.
Monitor requests
Want to debug? No problem. You can monitor all requests coming into your server, and view: client IP, which
endpoint it matched (if it did), date, request and response headers/body, and more.
Add people to your server and decide which role they will have. Either to have full control of your server (and
manage endpoints), or just to view what you've created.